
Nocturnal Incontinence

Advice: This is always problematic and warrants urological referral.

Refer To: Urologist.

In men, chronic retention of urine should be considered, and a referral made.

Occasionally, adult enuresis can be a symptom of overactive bladder.

Likewise, it may represent a neurological issue, and if it is of sudden/recent onset, neurological examination is necessary and urgent referral warranted.


Urology Affiliations

Contact Us

    A/Prof Nick Brook – Urologist

  • St Elizabeth Suites, Calvary North Adelaide Hospital,
    89 Strangways Tce, North Adelaide SA 5006

  • 0402 671288 / 0402 670993
  • 08 6266 3756
  • PO Box 295 Stepney SA 5069

    To contact Dan Spernat or Mark Lloyd:

  • QE Specialist Centre,
    35 Woodville Road
    Woodville South,
    SA 5011
  • 8244 4105 / 0439 080 899
  • 8243 2766